I Skål International Tourism Forum in Cadiz

From 19 to 21 September 2024, the first edition of the Skål International Tourism Forum will take place in Cadiz, under the theme 'Tourism and Diplomacy'.

Skål International Cadiz, as a leading entity in the tourism sector in our pro- vince, works to show the world a tourism offer that goes beyond quality and excellence, promoting a sustainable and integrated offer in Cadiz and Andalusian society, which also becomes a driving force for all productive sectors.

The celebration of this Forum aims to create a space for knowledge, debate and reflection on the importance of the promotion and development of our destination.

Since its foundation in 1973, Skål International Cadiz has given meaning to its existence with the motto "Doing business among friends".

Today, this concept means more than ever to be able to develop a friendly, collaborative, sustainable, responsible and inclusive tourism; promoting international relations, taking care of the excellence and service of our companies, preserving the historical and cultural heritage, ensuring sustainability in the development of our industry, raising awareness among our citizens of the importance of being good hosts and working with the administrations in the creation, maintenance and improvement of the necessary infrastructure to offer our visitors an offer of excellence. 

The Forum will be structured in three blocks:

  • September 19: Tourism and diplomacy.

  • September 20: Skålity and sustainability.

  • September 21: Vive Cádiz.