Skål Club of the Year
Skål International, with more than 12183 members, entailing of industry’s Managers and Executives, meet at Local, National, Regional and International levels to do business among friends throughout more than 297 Skål Clubs along 85 countries.
Skål International annually convenes the Skål International Club of the Year Award, aimed at public recognition of those clubs that have stood out for their activity inside and outside the organisation, as well as for their work under the values of Skål International.
The Skål International Club of the Year Award will be governed by the following rules:
All Skål Clubs worldwide that meet all the requirements listed below. Headquarters will carry on a thorough revision to determine the eligible Clubs each year, who will be invited to participate in the Skål Club of the Year Award.
1. Payment of annual membership fees made by the Club before 31 March of current year - Extended to 18 April due to Covid-19.
2. Net increase of 10% in membership or a minimum of 10 new members for Clubs with more than 100 members (from 1 April 2019 to 30 April of current year).
3. Voting delegate at two Skål World Congresses in the past five years.
4. Contribution to the Florimond Volckaert Fund or the Membership Development Fund, through donations or vouchers for the Raffle or Silent Auction (from 1 January 2019 to 30 April of current year).
5. That the Club has a website for external communications.
6. That the Club is active in at least one social media platform such as Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.
The eligible Clubs will be invited to produce a maximum two minute video (preferably published on YouTube), outlining their achievements, initiatives, activities, etc. undertaken during since 1 January 2019. The videos must be received at not later than 31 August of current year.
Each Club worldwide, including the nominees, will be invited to vote electronically for the Club they consider should be declared winner and will be allowed to vote for a Club in its own country.
Senior Vice President, Junior Vice President and Senior Director will make up a panel of judges to represent the Executive Board and each of them will vote individually.
If a Club from a country of one of the Vice Presidents and/or Senior Director is among the Clubs nominated to compete, another member of the Executive Board, in order of seniority, will deputise.
Clubs will determine 60% of the votes while the Executive Board will determine 40%.
The Club receiving the highest joint score will be declared ‘Skål Club of the Year'.
Following cancellation of the Skål World Congress where the winner was going to be announced, the date of the announcement is still to be determined. The winner will receive a certificate valid for a free Double Congress registration in First Class for the next Skål World Congress, airfare excluded.
Timeline 2020 Skål Club of the Year
Deadline for submission of videos to Headquarters.
Online voting by all Clubs.
Official announcement of the ‘Skål Club of the Year 2020’ winner.