Skål International Panama celebrates Skål International's 90th Anniversary

On Sunday, April 28th, Skål International Panama celebrated Skål International’s 90th Anniversary with a special private brunch with the accompaniment of a musical duo.

The event took place at the Hotel Sheraton Grand Panama, where our Skålleague Sara Pardo (Past President 2009 & 2010), and General Manager of the hotel was our host along with her wonderful team. 

Our members enjoyed the camaraderie and celebrated this special milestone together... they even sang the Skål International anthem, in addition to all the Skål toasts. 

One of the highlights was the participation of our 4 honorary members: Alejandro Lange, Conrado Young, Carmen "Pinky" Van der Hans (Past President 2016), and Oscar B. Lohrer (Past President 1971), who at 98 years old, is the most senior Skålleague in Panama!

We also took advantage to swear in two new members, increasing our membership to 50 Skålleagues, representing a growth of 20% so far this year!


Congratulations and happy 90th to Skål International!!