Florimond Volckaert Fund Mid-Year Report 2024

The reporting procedure of the Fund changes from annual with this, the first mid-year report then quarterly thereafter in 2025.

The intention is to keep the Fund front of mind for all Skål International members on a more regular basis.

It appears apparent that the Funds message is not reaching the grassroots of our great organisation – borne out by the ever decreasing number of grant applications and perhaps as importantly a significant drop in donations from Clubs, Regions and individuals. Where the Fund is known and promoted we receive a disproportionate number of grant applications, and as a consequence more donations.

The Skål International Committee, whose portfolio includes responsibility for the Funds promotion, is I believe, working on a promotional campaign to address all of the above.

Financials to 30th June 2024 are as follows:

Grants approved for the first six-months to 30th June 2024 total US$8,000 and €12,750. Donations for the same period total €7,058. At the present rate this is quite obviously not sustainable.

The following Clubs and Regions have made donations during the first six-months of this year, helping Skål International members in need, it doesn’t get any better. 

One-day it might be you!

Thank you – Bali, Bergen, Cote D’Azur, Goa, Harare, Kenya Coast, Mexico, Nairobi, Southwest Florida and Uruguay (Colonia/Montevideo/Punta del Este).

Recent grants approved include a members husband falling seven metres at home and breaking his back (his injuries were such that his specialist filmed the operation to use as a future teaching aid), to a member needing hearing aids, and another due to long-term illness and inability to work. 

There is a Funds page on the Skål International website, click here to visit and find out more.

Please encourage your Club to contribute and make your members more aware of what the Fund stands for – helping Skål International members in their hour of need. 

Thank you & Skål

Tony Clegg-Butt – Coordinating Trustee

Mok Singh – Trustee

Hulya Aslantas - Trustee